Gaelic Outdoor Centre
With Spòrs Gàidhlig now delivering across Scotland, we can already see how important it will be to have a ‘centre’ or base of our own in due course. This could be some way off however we do believe we ought to start considering the issue as soon as possible.
With that in mind, we are open to any offers of help we can get on the journey towards having a centre that would allow us to offer more sessions and activities to young people and to the wider community.
Our aim is to have somewhere within the ‘triangle’ between Aviemore, Fort William and Inverness. There are good operational reasons why we have selected this area – although we won’t offer ‘chapter and verse’ here.
So, if you are able to help us in any way, we would be absolutely delighted to hear from you! Perhaps you have architectural skills and could draw up a rough centre design or ‘footprint’? Perhaps you know of an appropriate site that might be available? Perhaps your even able to donate some thousands of pounds to the campaign!
We have to stress that, at this early stage, we do not have any budget for this next phase of the project – but we know we will need to look at this as soon as finance and site availability allow.
Please get in touch by calling 01463 234138 and asking for Donald Morris, or Donald MacNeill. If you’d prefer, send an email to