Further Information

This page provides information on all aspects of Spòrs Gàidhlig. Click on the headings below to be taken to the relevant section. 


Our staff are the core of Spòrs Gàidhlig. We speak Gaelic and use the language in the organisation. We also speak English also!. In addition to fluency in the language, our team are professional, experienced, qualified and dedicated to providing more opportunities for young people to use Gaelic. All of our staff are members of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG). 

We sometimes use freelance instructors if we are unable to staff an event ourselves due to large numbers. All freelancers have to complete our induction procedure which includes learning some Gaelic and understanding the context of the language. 

Safety Management

Safety and wellbeing is at the heart of our activities, our staff and our culture. We are licensed by the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (licence L14127 and organisation R2469) and our instructors are professionally trained to deliver each activity. We are insured by AIM (Activities Industry Mutual).

We operate a safety management system with our standard operating procedures, risk assessments and staff management procedures guiding everything we do. We also maintain an up to date venue guide that allows us to operate throughout Scotland.

Each activity has a defined ratio of instructor/leader to participants and these vary depending on the activity itself, the group and the prevailing conditions.

Our safeguaring procedures are robust and we undertake child protection training on a regular basis. Our pastoral care is excellent and we are experienced in supporting young people in new environments. All of our staff are members of the PVG scheme (Protectional of Vulnerable Groups, the new “disclosure” scheme).


Outdoor learning complements learning in the school and to the development of young people. Our activities are linked to the Curriculum for Excellence at Experience & Outcome levels and/or Benchmarks. We are able to link our activities and programmes to curricular areas or with other priorities such as personal confidence and challenge. If required, we can provide evidence of achievment for a school which shows how a young people has met a certain level. 

The Curriculum for Excellence

  • Activities linked to the Benchmarks and Experiences & Outcomes
  • Our programmes offer challenge and depth
  • The Pupil Equity Fund can be use with Spòrs Gàidhlig

Outdoor learning for schools and young people

  • Learning linked to the curriculum
  • Standalone activities or with specific aims
  • Language, culture, environment & history
  • Teamwork, confidence and communication
  • Services in Gaelic, for learners or suitable for those new to the language. 

We can work with schools where Gaelic is not a major feature of the school environment. 

Schools with Gaelic – Close to, or fluent speakers. This may be through Gaelic Medium Education or through home learning. 

Gaelic Learners – Young people learning Gaelic in primary or secondary education This could be through GLPS, Go Gaelic or another learning model. 

Sgoilearan aig nach eil a’ Ghàidhlig – Tha sinn comasach air diofar phrògraman a thabhann air sgoiltean agus blasad Gàidhlig a thoirt seachad aig an aon àm.   Tha sinn gu mòr airson obrachadh le sgoiltean le ùidh sa Ghàidhlig ach aig nach eil an cothrom. Thèid againn air prògraman a thabhann le blasad Gàidhlig a tha spòrsail aig an aon àm. 


Tha a’ Ghàidhlig aig cridhe Spòrs Gàidhlig agus ni sinn a h-uile oidhirp gus an cànan a neartachadh aig an òigridh. Bidh sinn a’ cur fàilte air luchd-ionnsachaidh agus air sgoilearan nach eil eòlach air a’ Ghàidhlig ann an dòigh sam bith.

Tha Spòrs Gàidhlig dà-chànanach – ‘S urrainn dhuinn gach cur-seachad, prògram agus an seirbheis air fad, a dhèanamh sa Ghàidhlig. Tha sinn a’ tuigsinn suidheachadh nan sgoiltean agus nan tidsearan. Le luchd-obrach dà-chànanach, thèid againn air an t-seirbheis a lìbhrigeadh ann an Gàidhlig no Beurla. Tro chur-seachadan, gabhaidh inntrigeadh don Ghàidhlig a thabhann.

Dùbhlain le spòrs! Tha cur-seachadan agus prògraman spòrsail againn. Bidh sinn a’ ceangal Gàidhlig agus spòrs ann an suidheachaidhean dàna, sàbhailte agus spòrsail.


Fois-inntinn, tha e cudromach nuair a tha ur pàiste air falbh aig campa no a’ gabhail pàirt ann an cur-seachadan. Tha sgioba Spòrs Gàidhlig eòlach air obair òigridh ann an diofar cho-theacsan, a bharrachd air cur-seachadan fhèrin, agus a’ tuigsinn gu bheil dùbhlain agus suidheachaidhean ùra a’ toirt buaidh ann an diofar dhòighean. 

Tha sàbhailteachd agus cùram aig cridhe ar cultar-obrach agus le eòlas air diofar fheumalachdan, thèid againn air taic a chumail ris a’ mhòr-chuid de chloinn. Tha sinn gu math eòlach air siubhal a chur air dòigh agus air comhdhail poblach. Tha seo a’ toirt a-steach aiseagan far a bheil deagh chuid den òigridh le Gàidhlig a’ fuireach.

‘S e ceann-uidhe aig Spòrs Gàidhlig a bhith tabhann chothroman agus chur-seachadan do dh’òigridh ann an suidheachadh spòrsail agus taiceil. 

Tha sinn a’ tuigsinn, agus tha deagh eòlas againn, ann a bhith cruthachadh àrainneachd Ghàidhlig do’òigridh. Tha an t-eòlas againn a’ ciallachadh gu bheil sinn cruthachadh chur-seachadan a tha freagarrach agus gus an òigridh a bhrosnachadh gus luach a chur sa chànan.  

Tha Spòrs Gàidhlig na chompanaidh fa-leth aig Comunn na Gàidhlig. 


Tha uidheamachd profaiseanta againn le siostaman làidir airson sgrùdadh agus coimhead as a dèidh. 

  • Sgithean, bòtanan agus maidean
  • Seacaidean aotramachd
  • Deisean-fliuche
  • Clogaidean; rothair, claiseachd, sgitheadh agus sreap
  • Ropan
  • Aodach

Fàg freagairt