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Beanntan & Uisge – Loch Coir’ Uisge

26/07/2022 - 30/07/2022


Bidh sinn a’ siubhal air bòrd-seasaimh bho Ealaghol gu Loch Coir’ Uisge agus a’ coiseach air na beanntan.

Tha an turas freagarrach airson AS2 air adhart agus bidh sinn a’ giulan ar n-uidheamachd leinn air na bùird.

Loch Coir’ Uisge san Eilean Sgitheanach – air a chuairteachadh le beanntan

‘S e Ionad Torrain agus Bothan Choir’ Uisge an t-àite-fuirich airson an turais; goireasan a leigeis leinn a bhith comhurtail agus ullachaichte airson nan dùbhlan a bhios romhainn.


Bidh a’ chiad oidhche againn, airson ullachadh, aig Ionad nan Torran

Tha cosgais an turais a’ gabhail a-steach biadh, àite-fuirich, uidheamachd agus oideachadh bho luchd-obrach Spòrs Gàidhlig.

Tuairisgeul Turas Choir’ Uisge Samhradh 2022

Latha Madainn  Feasgar Àite-fuirich
Dimàirt 26/8 Siubhail 4f – Coinnichidh sinn aig ionad nan Torran. Faodaidh Spòrs Gàidhlig daoine a thogail far a’ bhus anns an Àth Leathann, ma bhios sin a dhìth.‘Briseadh na deighe’, biadh agus ullachadh airson an turais. Bruidhnidh sinn air ciamar a bhios sinn a’ giùlan na h-uidheamachd agus nì sinn dearbhadh gu bheil an stuth ceart aig gach com-pàirtiche. Ionad nan Torran, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach
Diciadain 27/8 8m – Bracaist9m – Thèid sinn ann am bus Spòrs Gàidhlig a dh’Ealaghal, far an tòisich sinn air an turas air bùird-seasaimh. Bidh cothrom aig daoine an cuid sgilean a leasachadh sa mhadainn, agus nì sinn a’ chuid as fheàrr den astar 8km a Loch Choir’ Uisge feasgar. Siubhail air bùird-seasaimh.- Dol air tìr an Loch na Cuilce, cuir air dòigh an àite-fuirich, agus deasachadh dìnneir.- Bidh cothrom aig na com-pàirtichean sgrìob a ghabhail mun cuairt air àrainneachd aibheiseach a’ Chuilthinn agus Loch Choir’ Uisge, fo stiùir nan iùilichean. Bothan JMCS, Loch na Cuilce
Diardaoin 28/8 Coiseachd anns a’ Chuiltheann. Gabhaidh an sgioba co-dhùnadh còmhla a thaobh dè dìreach an ceann-uidhe a bhios aca air an latha, ach bhiomaid an dùil agus an dòchas mullach a ruigsinn air druim a’ Chuilthinn fhèin, a leithid Sgùrr na Banachdaich. ’S e dùbhlan mòr a bhios seo ach gabhaidh a cheannsachadh agus bidh a’ bhuidheann gu lèir moiteil asta fhèin às dèidh làimh. Chì sinn seallaidhean cho math ’s a tha ann san Rìoghachd Aonaichte. Mura bi aimsir buileach iomchaidh againn, gabhaidh sinn cuairt anabarrach gu mullach Sgùrr na Strì. (Faic gu h-ìosal son mapa den t-slighe a mholas sinn.)Tillidh sinn air an fheasgar air ais dhan bhothan aig Loch na Cuilce. Bothan JMCS, Loch na Cuilce
Dihaoine 29/8 Sgioblaichidh sinn am bothan agus cuiridh sinn ar n-uidheamachd air na bùird-seasaimh. Tillidh sinn an uairsin a dh’Ealaghol. 3f. Deireadh an turais. Thèid dèiligeadh leis an uidheamachd gu lèir agus gabhaidh sinn greim-cridhe còmha. Coinnichidh sinn pàrantan an Elaghol air neo bheir Spòrs Gàidhlig daoine air ais chun a’ bhus san Àth Leathann. Dhachaigh!

BÒS + Campachadh

This special trip will take us by land and water into the heart of one of Scotland’s most spectacular areas, and to a summit on it’s most impressive mountain ranges: Skye’s Cuillin Ridge.

We will meet in the South end of Skye and after an evening’s preparation at the outdoor centre in Torrin, depart from Elgol on paddleboards and follow the rugged coastline of Strath until we reach the shore of Loch na Cuilce in the heart of the Cuillin. The route will give us some of Scotland’s finest views and opportunites to see wildlife including dophins, propoises and eagles.

Here we will stay in the JMCS Coruisk Memorial Hut, a well-appointed bunkhouse, which will provide the perfect base for the following day’s expedition onto the crest of the Cuillin Ridge. A spectacular walk will take us to the back of Loch Coir’ Uisge from where we will ascend the Coireachan Ruadha. The final push to Bealach na Banachdaich will be grueling but the rewards will be great! Once established on the ridge the final section of the walk will take us to the summit of Sgùrr na Banachdaich, a munro and an incredible viewpoint. We will return by the same route, and spend a second night in the JMCS Hut.

On the morning of the third day we will pack up at the hut and return by SUP to Elgol where we will debrief from the trip and sort equipment before bringing the trip to a close.


How difficult will the trip be?

This trip is suitable for active individuals who are prepared for a challenge in the outdoors.  Participants must be in S2 or above. 

Participants should expect to be tired at the end of each day. A multi-day journey like this requires concerted effort to complete, both when travelling on the water and in evening tasks relating to setting up camp at the hut, preparing food and dealing with inclement weather. We will cover 8km by SUP on the first and third days, and at least 10km with 965m of elevation gain by foot on the mountain day.

Participants will be required to carry their paddleboard and other equipment to the water and up to camp, sometimes on uneven ground. This can be challenging, especially for smaller participants, but is often a useful team-building excercise at the start of a trip. Help will always be on-hand for those who require it.

The committing nature of this expedition means that it is not suitable for those who do not have a genuine interest in the activity. We would ask that participants understand the challenges that will be involved and, simply put, actually want to be there.

What safety precautions do you take?

Spòrs Gàidhlig’s instructors are highly experienced and are formally qualified to the appropriate level to be delivering these activities. In this case, they hold the globally-recognised ASI Level 2 SUP Instructor qualification, Summer Mountain Leader award and a valid outdoor first aid certificate.  We are also licensed by the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority which is an agency of the Health and Safety Executive. We are also experienced in providing pastoral care and instructors are in loco-parentis when on a remote journey such as this.

Each instructor carries a first-aid kit, and where appropriate, a walkie talkie/radio for communication within the group. They will also have a mobile phone which can be used where coverage allows.

Trips are flexible. Routes can be amended to adapt to Scotland’s changeable weather and instructors’ judgement of the group’s capabilities. The priority is always getting everyone back safely, even if that means not fulfilling an objective. If this happens, it is often a more valuable learning experience than an easy success!

With this trip we are also able to use one of the boat companies which provide trips to Loch Coir’ Uisge and in the event of conditions preventing use of the paddleboards, we will use one of these boats.

An t-àite-fuirich a bhios againn airson dà oidhche – bidh sinn a’ siubhal air bòrd-seasaimh.

Will you explain how equipment is used?

Both for safety and participants’ enjoyment of the trip, full briefings and instruction will be given on all equipment and the activity itself. Correct use of the SUP paddle and equipment is essential, and our instructors will provide continuous feedback and coaching on technique. They will also ensure that everyone knows how to use their stove, and use of these will be monitored. Help will be provided with setting up tents where this is required.

What equipment do you provide?

  • The SUP board and all associated accessories such as leash, fin and paddle.
  • Wetsuit (Note, we do NOT provide wetsuit boots, neoprene socks or other footwear.)
  • Dry bags
  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Basic roll-up camping mat
  • Camping stove and fuel
  • Food for 3 meals each day

A full kit list will be provided prior to the trip.


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