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Bòrd-seasaimh air Loch Laomainn | Paddleboarding on Loch Lomond

12/08/2022 @ 11:00 - 16:30


Faigh a-mach air an uisge còmhla ri Spòrs Gàidhlig, le beagan plòigh agus ’s dòcha cuairt air Loch Laomainn air na bùird-seasaimh.

Get out onto the water with Spòrs Gàidhlig, with the chance for a bit of fun and maybe a journey on Loch Lomond by paddleboard.

Bòrd-seasaimh air Loch Laomainn
Ceann-latha 12/08/2022
Cuine 1100-1630
Siubhal Gheibh a h-uile duine lioft bho Stèisean a’ Bhealaich (Balloch) aig 1000 no coinneachaidh sinn aig Balmaha aig 1030.  Bidh sinn air ais aig Stèisean a’ Bhealaich airson airson 1700
Cosgais £15
Thoir leat Aodach snàmh, searbhadair, brògan (trainers) a bhios a’ fàs fliuch, aodach tioram airson as dèidh an tachartais, Biadh, uisge.
Bheir sinn Deise-fliuch, clogaid, seacaid-aotromachd
Activity Paddleboarding on Loch Lomond
Date 12/08/2022
Time 1100-1630
Transport Everyone can get a lift from Balloch station at 1000 or can meet the group at Balmaha at 1030.  We will be back at Balloch station for 1730.
Cost £15
What will I need? Swim suit, a towel, trainers that will get wet, dry clothes for afterwards, foot, water.
We will provide: Wetsuit, bouyancy aid.


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11:00 - 16:30