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Campa Sgithidh – Muinntir Dhùn Èideann S3 A-MHAIN – S3 ONLY

11/02/2023 - 15/02/2023




‘S ann airson AS3 a-mhàin a tha seo.

Cosgais = £265. £165 ri phàigheadh an dràsta, £100 ro dheireadh an Fhaoillich. 

Seo campa sgithidh airson deugairean le Gàidhlig. Ann an com-pàirteachas le Comunn na Gàidhlig, tha sinn a’ tabhann a’ champa seo air na cinn-là gu h-àrd.

Tha a’ phrìs a’ gabhail a-steach na leanas:

  • Siubhal a dhol ann agus air ais.
  • Àite-fuirich
  • Biadh
  • Sgitheadh (uidheamachd, tiogaidean agus stiùireadh)
  • Prògram oidhche

Bidh com-pàirtichean fo stiùir luchd-obrach profeiseanta air a’ bheinn agus eile.

Bidh sinn a’ fuireach aig Bad a’ Ghiuthais far a bheil loidsichean comhurtail le deagh ghoireasan. Gach latha, bidh sinn a’ dràibheadh gu ionad sgithidh (An Leac, An Càrn Gorm no Monadh Nibheis) agus a’ sgitheadh fad an latha. Air an oidhche, bidh prògram spòrsail, ach nas socraiche.

This is for S3 only.

The cost of this event is £265. £165 is payable now and the remaining £100 by the end of January. 

This ski camp is aimed at young people who speak Gaelic, in secondary education. In partnership with Comunn na Gàidhlig, we are offering this ski camp between the dates above. 

This price includes the following: 

  • Travel to and from the camp.
  • Accommodation
  • Food
  • Skiing (equipment, lift tickets, instruction)
  • Evening programme

Participants will always be led by professional instructors and staff. 

We will be staying at Bad a’ Ghiuthais lodges which are comfy and well appointed. Each day, we will drive to a ski centre (The Lecht, Cairn Gorm or Nevis Range) and spend the whole day skiing. In the evening, an programme will be provided but with ample opportunity to rest. 

  Disathairne Didomhnich Diluain Dimairt Diaciadain
Latha Siubhal:

1330: Waverley

1626: An Aghaigh Mhòr

1800: Dinneir

Sgitheadh Sgitheadh Sgitheadh Siubhal:

1130: An Aghaidh Mhòr

1429: Waverley

Feasgar Uidheamachd Geamaichean/ Fiolm An Aghaidh Mhòr Geamaichean/ Fiolm




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