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Dùbhlan Beinne an t-Samhraidh | Summer Mountain Expedition ⛰️☀️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

29/07/2024 - 02/08/2024

£120.00 – £295.00

Thigibh còmhla rinn air turas mòr Spòrs Ghàidhlig ann an 2024: Cuairt Beinne an t-Samhraidh air Gàidhealtachd!

Thairis air còig làithean, gabhaidh sinn sgrìob iongantach air chois thar bheanntan, mhonaidhean agus glinn gus cuairt mhòr adhartach a choileanadh. Leasachaidh sinn ar sgilean beinne agus togaidh sinn misneachd phearsanta le a bhith an sàs ann an dùbhlan mòr mar bhall de sgioba. Campachaidh sinn fad ceithir oidhcheannan agus gluaisidh sinn tro àrainneachd nam beann agus sinn a’ giùlan gach nì a bhios a dhìth oirnn. Ruigidh sinn mullaich àrda agus gheibh sinn seallaidhean riochdail den Ghàidhealtachd nach fhaighear ach le beagan spàirn!

Thig a’ bhuidheann còmhla ann an Inbhir Nis air madainn Diluain. Cuiridh sinn an uairsin an uidheamachd againn air dòigh agus thèid sinn ann am bus Spòrs Gàidhlig gu toiseach na cuairt againn. Tha sinn a dh’aona ghnothach air an t-slighe a ghabhas sinn fhàgail fosgailte gus am faod sinn a dhol air tòir deagh aimsir agus a’ chuairt as tlachdmhoire ’s as urrainn dhuinn a choileanadh air an t-seachdain. Tachraidh a’ chuairt taobh a-staigh sgìre Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd ge tà, agus le deagh aimsir bidh sinn ag amas air sgìrean fàsail a leithid Cnòideart, Cinn t-Sàile, Ros an Iar no Asainte.

Bheir an turas adhartach a tha seo cothrom air leth air fèin-leasachadh don òigridh a bhios an sàs. Bidh dleastanas aig gach neach iad fhèin a ghiùlan ann an dòigh èifeachdach agus airson ghnìomhan a leithid còcaireachd agus cur an-àirde teanta a dhèanamh dhaibh fhèin, mar phàirt de sgioba agus fo stiùir iùilichean Spòrs Gàidhlig.

A thuilleadh air a sin, bidh uallach air gach com-pàirtiche oidhirp a dhèanamh gus àrainneachd Ghàidhlig a chumail an-àirde. ‘S ann air na tursan mòra, diana seo a chì sinn an t-adhartas agus misneachadh as motha a thaobh Gàidhlig, ach cha tig sin mura bi a’ bhuidheann gu lèir deònach a’ Ghàidhlig a bhruidhinn.

Fosgailte gu S3-6.

Join us on Spòrs Gàidhlig’s big summer mountain challenge 2024!

Over five days, between 29th July and 2nd August 2024 we will embark on an epic journey through the mountains, and glens of the Highlands. We will learn mountain skills and build confidence by undertaking a real challenge as part of a group. We will wild camp for four nights and move through the mountainous environment carrying everything we need to be self-sufficient. High summits will be reached and we will get magnificent views of the Highland landscape only seen by those willing to put in a special effort.

The group will meet in Inverness on Monday 29th July. We will prepare equipment, pack our bags and depart in Spòrs Gàidhlig’s minibus to the start of our expedition. We will then spend 4 days on a spectacular mountain walking and camping adventure. On Friday 2nd August we will be met in the morning by the Spòrs Gàidhlig bus and go for lunch in a local restaurant before returning to Inverness in the afternoon to travel home.

We have deliberately left the exact route and area we will be aiming for open until just before the trip. This will give us maximum flexibility and allow us to chase good weather to give the group the absolute best experience of the Scottish mountains possible. The trip will happen within the Highland Council area, and with favourable conditions we will aim to journey into a remote area such as is found in Knoydart, Kintail, Wester Ross or Assynt

This trip for competent young people will offer great  opportunities for personal development. Each individual will have a responsibility to work effectively as part of the team and carry out tasks like cooking camp meals and putting up their tents under the guidance of Spòrs Gàidhlig’s instructors.


This is a trip for fluent Gaelic speakers. It is on multi-day trips such as these that we see the greatest impact with regards to participants’ confidence in using Gaelic socially, and their esteem for the language. We aim to create a fully-immersive Gaelic environment, which requires the involvement of the entire party to succeed. Every participant must understand therefore that they have a reponsibility to uphold this environment and make every effort to use Gaelic.

How difficult will the trip be?

This trip is suitable for active individuals in S3-6 who are prepared for a challenge in the outdoors.

Participants should expect to be tired at the end of each day. A multi-day journey like this requires concerted effort to complete, both while travelling and in evening tasks relating to setting up camp, preparing food and dealing with inclement weather. We will be moving in mountainous terrain while carrying everything we need to look after ourselves, including sleeping bags, tents and stoves.

We will aim to reach Munro summits, and the days will include significant elevation gain as weather allows.

The committing and challenging nature of this expedition means that it is not suitable for those who do not have a genuine interest in the activity. We would ask that participants understand the challenges that will be involved and, simply put, actually want to be there.

What safety precautions do you take?

Spòrs Gàidhlig’s instructors are highly experienced and are formally qualified to the appropriate level to be delivering these activities. In this case, they hold the Summer Mountain Leader award and a valid outdoor first aid certificate.

Each instructor carries a first-aid kit, and where appropriate, a walkie talkie/radio for communication within the group. They will also have a mobile phone which can be used where coverage allows.

Trips are flexible. Routes can be amended to adapt to Scotland’s highly changeable weather and instructors’ judgement of the group’s capabilities. The priority is always getting everyone back safely, even if that means not fulfilling an objective. If this happens, it is often a more valuable learning experience than an easy success!

Will you explain how equipment is used?

Both for safety and participants’ enjoyment of the trip, full briefings will be given on all equipment. Spòrs Gàidhlig’s instructors will ensure that everyone knows how to safely use their stove, and use of these will be monitored. Help will be provided with setting up tents where this is required, and throughout the trip participants will learn how to effectively look after themselves in mountainous environments.

What equipment do you provide?

  • Dry bags
  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Basic roll-up camping mat
  • Camping stoves and fuel
  • Food for 3 meals each day. (Participants should bring any additional snacks they might want)

A full kit list will be provided upon signing up to the trip.

An online briefing meeting will be arranged for participants and parents approximately 3 weeks before the trip takes place.

Open to Gaelic-speaking teenagers who will be in S3-S6 after the summer holidays.

* The Highland Council Gaelic Team have provided funding to subsidise 9 places on this trip exclusively for young people from within the Highland Council area. These will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. *

Spòrs Gàidhlig reserves the right to refuse a place on this trip to anyone they do not feel meets the required level of skill, fitness or commitment to maintaining the Gaelic environment within the group.

This trip would qualify as a suitable practice expedition for the Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.


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£120.00 – £295.00


Inbhir Nis ¦ Inverness
5 Mitchell's Lane
Inverness, Highland IV2 3HQ United Kingdom
+ Google Map


Spòrs Gàidhlig
View Organizer Website