To promote best practice for Gorge and Ghyll leadership within the UK. Successful performance during assessment indicates that the candidate has the skill level required to lead groups in appropriate locations within the Gorge/Ghyll leader grading system.
The Gorge & Ghyll Leader Award will provide a training & assessment scheme for individuals who wish to take
responsibility for others in the Gorge/Ghyll environment.
This will benefit Instructors, freelance instructors, mangers and employers who wish to ensure a high standard of safety and expertise in this open environment.
The award will also serve as a valuable training opportunity for those who wish to visit venues for recreation.
Confines & remit of the award
The remit a Gorge Ghyll Leader may operate in is a maximum grade of 2B.
Terrain/Technical Rope Work
2 – Basic Canyoning / Gorge Walking / Gill Scrambling
Scrambling, easy vertical or near vertical climbing and/or down-climbing requiring frequent use of hands. Rope recommended for hand lines, belays, lowering packs and possible emergency use. Travel is possible up or down canyon. See route description for more information.
Water Volume & Current
B – Normally has water with moderate current. Water hazards – small hydraulics which require caution.
Candidates must be proficient with the following GGL Handbook & pre-learning documents prior to attending a training course.
Audio Communication Pre-Course Learning GGL
Knots & Hitch’s Pre-Course Learning GGL
Visual Communication Pre-Course Learning GGL