Thigibh còmhla rinn air turas mòr Spòrs Gàidhlig ann an 2023: Siubhail nan loch ann an Asainte gus a’ bheinn ainmeil Sùilebheinn a ruighinn agus a dhìreadh.
Air an turas iongantach seo, thèid sinn gu cridhe sgìre cho bòidheach agus tarraingeach ’s a tha an Alba gu lèir, agus cleachdaidh sinn diofar mhodhan siubhail gus ceann-uidhe sònraichte a choileanadh mar sgioba. Tòisichidh an turas air bòrd-seasaimh air Loch Mheathadaidh, a bheir a-steach gu mòinteach fàsail Asainte sinn. Bidh gach neach a’ giùlan na h-uidheamachd aca air a’ bhòrd agus nuair a ruigeas sinn ceann an iar an locha cuiridh sinn campa air dòigh.
An ath-latha, bidh sinn air a’ bheinn. Fàgaidh sinn ar campa agus nì sinn air Sùilebheinn. Dìridh sinn slios a deas na beinne agus bidh spòrs air leth an lùib coiseachd air an druim eireachdail a bheir gu mullach Chaisteil Liath sinn. Ma bhios an aimsir againn, gheibh sinn seallaidhean iongantach de cheann a tuath na h-Alba agus na h-Eileanan Siar às a seo. Tillidh sinn chun a’ champa air an fheasgar.
Leanaidh sinn oirnn làrna-màireach le briseadh campa agus an spòrs mòr a bhios an lùib slaodadh nam bòrd thar na mòintich gu loch eile: Loch Sionascaig. Thèid sinn air an uisge an sin agus eadar eileanan beaga bòidheach chun an rathaid sa cheann an iar faisg air Inbhir Pollaidh. (Ma bhios gaoth mì-iomchaidh ann airson seo, tillidh sinn an rathad a thàinig sinn air Loch Mheathadaidh.) An oidhche sin, bidh sinn air beagan comhurtachd a chosnadh, agus fuirichidh sinn ann an ostail a’ Chèilidh Place, far an gabh sinn dìnnear mhòr còmhla.
Seo agaibh mapa den t-slighe:
Bheir an turas a tha seo cothrom air leth air fèin-leasachadh don òigridh a bhios an sàs. Bidh dleastanas aig gach neach iad fhèin a ghiùlan ann an dòigh èifeachdach agus gnìomhan a leithid còcaireachd agus cur an-àirde teanta a dhèanamh dhaibh fhèin, mar phàirt de sgioba agus fo stiùir iùilichean Spòrs Gàidhlig. A thuilleadh air a sin, bidh uallach air gach com-pàirtiche oidhirp a dhèanamh gus àrainneachd Ghàidhlig a chumail an-àirde. ‘S ann air a tursan mòra, diana seo a chì sinn an t-adhartas agus misneachadh as motha a thaobh Gàidhlig, ach cha tig sin mura bi a’ bhuidheann gu lèir deònach a’ Ghàidhlig a bhruidhinn.
Fosgailte gu S2-6.
Suilven by Land and Water
This special trip will take us by land and water into the heart of one of Scotland’s most spectacular areas, and to the summit of perhaps our most instantly recognisable mountain: Sùilebheinn in Assynt.
The trip will begin in Ullapool where the team will meet, get to know each other and organise equipment. Accommodation on this evening will be in Ullapool, and we will eat in a local restaurant (TBC). The following day we will travel in Spòrs Gàidhlig’s minibus to the village of Elphin. From there we will paddleboard the length of Loch Veyatie, on the boundary between Sutherland and Ross Shire, and camp at its western end. (7km) The following day will see us ascend Suilven from the South. The exact route taken will depend on conditions on the day and what the instructors feel is appropriate for the group, but we will be able to explore the mountain’s spectacular ridge and highest peak, Caisteal Liath. (10-14km) We will then descend and return to our camp. In the morning we will break camp and after a short paddle on Loch Veyatie, make a portage and continue westwards via Loch Sionascaig to meet the minibus (9km). That evening we will return to Ullapool and enjoy a well-earnt dinner and a warm bed in the famous Cèilidh Place’s restaurant and bunkhouse. (Route map above)
It is on multi-day trips such as these that we see the greatest impact with regards to participants’ confidence in using Gaelic socially, and their esteem for the language. We aim to create a fully-immersive Gaelic environment, which requires the involvement of the entire party to succeed. Every participant must understand therefore that they have a reponsibility to uphold this environment and make every effort to use Gaelic.
How difficult will the trip be?
This trip is suitable for active individuals in S2-6 who are prepared for a challenge in the outdoors.
Participants should expect to be tired at the end of each day. A multi-day journey like this requires concerted effort to complete, both when travelling on the water and in evening tasks relating to setting up camp, preparing food and dealing with inclement weather. We will cover 7km by SUP on the first and third days, and at least 10km with 600m of elevation gain by foot on the hill day.
Participants will be required to carry their paddleboard and other equipment to the water and up to camp, sometimes on uneven ground. This can be challenging, especially for smaller individuals, but is often a useful team-building excercise at the start of a trip. Help will always be on-hand for those who require it.
The committing nature of this expedition means that it is not suitable for those who do not have a genuine interest in the activity. We would ask that participants understand the challenges that will be involved and, simply put, actually want to be there.
What safety precautions do you take?
Spòrs Gàidhlig’s instructors are highly experienced and are formally qualified to the appropriate level to be delivering these activities. In this case, they hold the globally-recognised ASI Level 2 SUP Instructor qualification, Summer Mountain Leader award and a valid outdoor first aid certificate.
Each instructor carries a first-aid kit, and where appropriate, a walkie talkie/radio for communication within the group. They will also have a mobile phone which can be used where coverage allows.
Trips are flexible. Routes can be amended to adapt to Scotland’s highly changeable weather and instructors’ judgement of the group’s capabilities. The priority is always getting everyone back safely, even if that means not fulfilling an objective. If this happens, it is often a more valuable learning experience than an easy success!
Will you explain how equipment is used?
Both for safety and participants’ enjoyment of the trip, full briefings will be given on all equipment. Correct use of the SUP paddle and equipment is essential, and our instructors will provide continuous feedback and coaching on technique. They will also ensure that everyone knows how to use their stove, and use of these will be monitored. Help will be provided with setting up tents where this is required.
What equipment do you provide?
A full kit list will be provided upon signing up to the trip.
An online briefing meeting will be arranged for participants and parents approximately 3 weeks before the trip takes place.
Day | Activity | Accommodation |
Monday 31/7 | Meet in Ullapool at lunchtime. | Cèilidh Place Bunkhouse, Ullapool |
Tuesday 1/8 | Depart Ullapool. Travel to Elphin. Paddle to west end of Loch Veyatie. Set up camp. | Tents at the west end of Loch Veyatie |
Wednesday 2/8 | Walk in to Suilven from the south. Ascend to the ridge and summits. Descend and return to camp. | Tents at the west end of Loch Veyatie |
Thursday 3/8 | Break camp. Paddle to portage point on Loch Veyatie. Drag boards overland to Loch Sionascaig. Paddle to Boat Bay and meet bus. Return to Ullapool. Big dinner in the Cèilidh Place! | Cèilidh Place Bunkhouse, Ullapool |
Friday 4/8 | Return home. | Home! |