Campa Sradagan 2 – Fairburn

  Tha CnaG a’ dol a chumail dà champa Sradagan ann an 2023. Am bliadhna tha sinn gu bhith a’ dol a dh’àitigin ùr! Tha Ionad Chur-Seachadan Fairburn faisg air Inbhir Pheotharain, agus mu 20 mìle tuath air Inbhir Nis. Àite ùr, ach mar às àbhaist bidh am prògram againn làn de spòrs ‘s fealla-dha! …



Thigibh còmhla rinn air turas mòr Spòrs Gàidhlig ann an 2023: Siubhail nan loch ann an Asainte gus a' bheinn ainmeil Sùilebheinn a ruighinn agus a dhìreadh. Air an turas iongantach seo, thèid sinn gu cridhe sgìre cho bòidheach agus tarraingeach 's a tha an Alba gu lèir, agus cleachdaidh sinn diofar mhodhan siubhail gus …


Beinn, Coire ‘s Càrn – Sounds of the Mountains

These workshops are aimed at professional outdoor practitioners, looking to improve their understanding and pronunciation of key venue names amongst other areas. Join the Spòrs Gàidhlig team for a series of interactive sessions looking at the Gaelic place-names found in Scotland’s mountain environment, how to pronounce common venue names and elements, and the meanings behind …


Beinn, Coire ‘s Càrn – Sounds of the Mountains

These workshops are aimed at professional outdoor practitioners, looking to improve their understanding and pronunciation of key venue names amongst other areas. Join the Spòrs Gàidhlig team for a series of interactive sessions looking at the Gaelic place-names found in Scotland’s mountain environment, how to pronounce common venue names and elements, and the meanings behind …


Beinn, Coire ‘s Càrn – Sounds of the Mountains

These workshops are aimed at professional outdoor practitioners, looking to improve their understanding and pronunciation of key venue names amongst other areas. Join the Spòrs Gàidhlig team for a series of interactive sessions looking at the Gaelic place-names found in Scotland’s mountain environment, how to pronounce common venue names and elements, and the meanings behind …


Beinn, Coire ‘s Càrn – Sounds of the Mountains

These workshops are aimed at professional outdoor practitioners, looking to improve their understanding and pronunciation of key venue names amongst other areas. Join the Spòrs Gàidhlig team for a series of interactive sessions looking at the Gaelic place-names found in Scotland’s mountain environment, how to pronounce common venue names and elements, and the meanings behind …


Beinn, Coire ‘s Càrn – Sounds of the Mountains

These workshops are aimed at professional outdoor practitioners, looking to improve their understanding and pronunciation of key venue names amongst other areas. Join the Spòrs Gàidhlig team for a series of interactive sessions looking at the Gaelic place-names found in Scotland’s mountain environment, how to pronounce common venue names and elements, and the meanings behind …


Bòrd-seasaimh le Spòrs Gàidhlig | Stand-up Paddleboarding with Spòrs Gàidhlig 🌊🏄☀️

  Tromhadaibh còmhla ri Spòrs Gàidhlig airson seisean spòrsail a-muigh air an uisge air bùird-seasaimh. Tha an seisean seo fosgailte do dhuine sam bith eadar C6-S4, agus bidh e a' gabhail àite 0900-1200, Dihaoine 19 Iuchair 2024. Bidh sinn uile a' coinneachadh aig raon-chàraichean Sràid Sand aig 0900, airson siubhal dhan làrach ann am bus …


Làithean Beinne – Two days of hillwalking in the Highlands! 22-23 July

Inbhir Nis ¦ Inverness 5 Mitchell's Lane, Inverness, Highland, United Kingdom

Thigibh còmhla ri iùilichean Spòrs Gàidhlig airson dà latha de choiseachd nam beann air a' Ghàidhealtachd. Ma bha sibh a-riamh a' sireadh cothrom dhol a-mach dha na beanntan sònraichte a th' againn air an stàirsnich air a' Ghàidhealtachd, 's e seo e! Gheibh com-pàirtichean taic, stiùir agus cothrom fois a ghabhail air àrainn alainn a' …


Dùbhlan Beinne an t-Samhraidh | Summer Mountain Expedition ⛰️☀️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Inbhir Nis ¦ Inverness 5 Mitchell's Lane, Inverness, Highland, United Kingdom

Thigibh còmhla rinn air turas mòr Spòrs Ghàidhlig ann an 2024: Cuairt Beinne an t-Samhraidh air Gàidhealtachd! Thairis air còig làithean, gabhaidh sinn sgrìob iongantach air chois thar bheanntan, mhonaidhean agus glinn gus cuairt mhòr adhartach a choileanadh. Leasachaidh sinn ar sgilean beinne agus togaidh sinn misneachd phearsanta le a bhith an sàs ann an …

£120.00 – £295.00