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Claiseachd ¦ Gorge Challenge (feasgar)

03/10/2020 @ 14:15 - 16:30


Ùrachadh fios ¦ UPDATE

Tha an seisean air atharrachadh gu bòrd-seasaimh seach claiseachd. Le sùil air a’ chlais madainn an diugh (Disathairne), tha sinn den bheachd gu bheil an t-uisge ro àrd.  Bidh bòrd-seasaimh ann na àite agus bidh sinn a’ coinneachadh Loch Dùn an t-Seilcheig mar an fhiosrachadh gu h-ìosal.

Gorge walking will no longer take place due to water levels and we will run stand-up paddle board sessions instead. The SUP sessions will take place at Loch Duntelchaig as per the information below.


Cò dha? ¦ Suitable for Clann C7+
Ìre Ghàidhlig ¦ Gaelic level Fileanta
Àite-coinneachaidh ¦ Meeting place Loch Dùn an t-Seilcheig an seo: https://goo.gl/maps/MQqBQ2yDtt5ampym7
Uairean an t-seisein ¦ Times of session 1315-1530

Thoiribh leig aodach a bharrachd airson an t-seisein fliuch a tha seo agus searbhadair. Bidh sinn uile a’ cleachdadh dheisean fliuche agus tha aodach snàimh a dhìth airson a dhol fompa. Bidh poca airson aodach fliuch feumail. Tha dà phaidhr brògan a dhìth; aonan a bhios fliuch.

Chan eil taighean-beaga no eile aig an làrach; am preaslach a bhios ann mar sheòmar-eididh!

Chan eil an t-uabhas pàirceadh aig an àite agus cuimhnichibh air seo a thaobh siubhal.

Feumar cungaidhean-leighis a thoirt leibh agus fiosrachadh a thoirt don luchd-stiùiridh.


Please bring a full change of clothes for this wet session and a towel. Participants will use wetsuits and swimming clothing should be used underneath. A bag for wet clothes will also be useful. Two pairs of shoes will be required, one of which will get wet.

There are no toilets or changing facilities at the site and the only option is the bushes.

Parking is very limited and please bear this in mind when planning travel.

Remember all medication and to bring any conditions to the attention of the instructors.


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14:15 - 16:30
Event Category:


Spòrs Gàidhlig
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