Thigibh còmhla ri iùilichean Spòrs Gàidhlig airson campa air leth san Eilean Sgitheanach, a’ rùrach am measg beanntan agus uisgeachan an Eilein, uile tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig!
Fad còig lathaichean, eadar 21-25 Dàmhair, gheibh sibh bogadh ceart ann an cànain, cultar agus cur-seachadan adhartach agus inntinneach, a thuilleadh air cothroman am pailt eòlas a chur air càirdean sean is ùr ann an àrainneachd shònraichte.
Gabhaidh sinn ris an aimsir a gheibh sinn air an t-seachdain, ach tha sinn an dùil gum bi claiseachd, bòrd-seasaimh, coiseachd nam beann, sreap agus cuairtean cultarail an lùib a’ phrògraim!
Coinnichidh sinn aig an àite-fuirich airson na seachdain feasgar Diluain 21mh Dàmhair, agus ’s e siud Taigh Bunca na Torran. Faodaidh daoine ar coinneachadh ann an Inbhir Nis sa mhadainn agus siubhail còmhla rinn ann am bus Spòrs Gàidhlig, ma thogras iad.
Bheir an campa seo cothrom air leth air fèin-leasachadh don òigridh a bhios an sàs. Bidh dleastanas aig gach neach iad fhèin ullachadh agus a ghiùilan airson a bhith a’ gabhail dleastanas airson ghnìomhan a leithid còcaireachd, glanadh agus agus eile, mar phàirt de sgioba agus fo stiùir iùilichean Spòrs Gàidhlig.
A thuilleadh air a sin, bidh uallach air gach com-pàirtiche oidhirp a dhèanamh gus àrainneachd Ghàidhlig a chumail an-àirde. ‘S ann aig tachartasan nas fhaide mar seo a chì sinn an t-adhartas agus misneachadh as motha a thaobh Gàidhlig, ach cha tig sin mura bi a’ bhuidheann gu lèir deònach a’ Ghàidhlig a bhruidhinn.
Join us for an adventure camp with Spòrs Gàidhlig in the Isle of Skye, exploring the island’s mountains, gorges and lochs with a fun-packed programme all through the medium of Gaelic!
Over five days, between 21-25 October 2024, participants will be fully immersed in adventurous activities, cultural exploration and the Gaelic language, as well getting to know friends new and old in an amazing environment.
We will have to adapt to the autumnal weather, but we expect the programme to feature paddleboarding, a mountain adventure, climbing, gorge scrambling, cultural excursions and more!
The camp will be based at Torrin Bunkhouse in Skye, where we will meet on the afternoon of Monday 21st October. Participants are welcome to meet us in Inverness in the morning and travel to Skye in Spòrs Gàidhlig’s minibus if they would prefer.
This camp for competent young people will offer great opportunities for personal development. Each individual will have a responsibility to work effectively as part of the team and carry out tasks like cooking meals, cleaning up and being ready for the day’s tasks, under the guidance of Spòrs Gàidhlig’s instructors.
This is a camp for fluent Gaelic speakers. It is during multi-day events such as these that we see the greatest impact with regards to participants’ confidence in using Gaelic socially, and their esteem for the language. We aim to create a fully-immersive Gaelic environment, which requires the involvement of the entire party to succeed. Every participant must understand therefore that they have a reponsibility to uphold this environment and make every effort to use Gaelic.
How difficult will the camps activities be?
This trip is suitable for active individuals in S1-3 who are prepared for a challenge in the outdoors.
Participants should expect to be tired at the end of each day. A multi-day camp like this requires concerted effort to complete not only the day’s excursions but also evening tasks relating to preparing food, managing equipment and looking after our accommodation.
What safety precautions do you take?
Spòrs Gàidhlig’s instructors are highly experienced and are formally qualified to the appropriate level to be delivering these activities.
Each instructor carries a first-aid kit, and where appropriate, a walkie talkie/radio for communication within the group. They will also have a mobile phone which can be used where coverage allows.
Trips are flexible. Routes can be amended to adapt to Scotland’s highly changeable weather and instructors’ judgement of the group’s capabilities. The priority is always getting everyone back safely, even if that means not fulfilling an objective. If this happens, it is often a more valuable learning experience than an easy success!
What equipment do you provide?
A full kit list will be provided upon signing up to the trip.
An online briefing meeting will be arranged for participants and parents approximately 3 weeks before the trip takes place.
Open to Gaelic-speaking teenagers in S1-S3 after the 2024 summer holidays.